Sunday, November 25, 2012

If you have no other

"If you have no other, she must," said Mrs. Armstrong, disappointedly, for she saw from the first, a native dignity and delicacy in Margaret which would shrink from the contact with others, and intended to have paid the extra price demanded for a room herself, if one could have been obtained.
At that moment, old Trot came in through the open door, and looked around, as though he did not like the appearance of things.
"That dog can't come," said the woman, losing for the first time her pleasant smile,Fake Designer Handbags. "May-be he's your's though, madam?" she said apologetically.
"No, he's mine, and I must have him with me," broke in Margaret, "and I cannot-"
She stopped short, frightened at her own earnest words and manner.
"I think he will be better off with me," said Mrs. Armstrong; "I will keep him for you."
"I would n't care myself about the cur," said Mrs. Crawford, following them to the door, "but my boarders are so agin anything in the shape of a dog."
"Certainly; she could scarcely expect you to take him; and besides, I want him to watch my chickens and garden. I took a fancy to him the moment I first saw him."
Having thus made all satisfactory in regard to the dog, as far as Mrs. Crawford was concerned, they bade her good-day, and reached home just before dark.
"You are too kind," said Margaret to Mrs. Armstrong, who told her that she must remain all night with her, and then she could say no more, but broke down completely.
The kind woman took her at once to a neat little bed-room, and permitted Trot to lie on a mat close to the door of his mistress.
Weary and worn, she gladly went to bed. Sleep came at last, and the tired, intense state of her mind was lost in slumber. She dreamt that she was at her home again, and that she was going to marry Clarence. They were walking to the village church together, over the soft green meadows. The air was balmy and full of sweetness; the sunshine lay in golden bars at her feet, and her whole soul glowed with happiness, life, and love,nike shox torch 2. The bells--her marriage bells--pealed out joyously on the air, while she turned to Clarence,Discount UGG Boots, saying, "I had a terrible dream; I thought you had deserted me." Another peal,--merry and full-then the meadows that were so warm and sunny, grew cold and wet; and a cloud came between her and the golden sun. The bell rolled forth another peal-it sounded like a knell-and she awoke.
The factory bell was ringing, calling the operatives to labor.
A sweet voice broke on her utter desolation just at that moment, saying:
"That is the first bell; you will have just time enough to dress and take your breakfast."
Mechanically she arose, dressed, and forcing back her hot tears, went below, to sit again at the table of one who ever remembered these words: "As ye have opportunity."
Chapter 15
There comes to every one at times the inquiring thought, of what use is life? What will be the result of all this seemingly useless toil, these states of unrest, these earnest efforts of the soul unappreciated, these best endeavors misunderstood? Such questions flood the reason at times, and we are ready to lay down our life weapons,replica gucci handbags, scarce caring how the busy scene goes on.

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