Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I doubt if running was his idea

"I doubt if running was his idea.”
"No, he was recruited. That makes it even more shameful. They look around, pick some greenhorn with a nice smile and no record to attack, and package him with their slick marketing. That's politics,homepage. But it shouldn't contaminate the judiciary.”
"We beat them two years ago with McElwayne.”
"So you're optimistic?”
"No, Judge, I'm terrified. I haven't slept well since Fisk announced, and I won't sleep well until he's defeated. We're broke and in debt, so we can't write a check, but every member of our firm has agreed to spend one hour a day knocking on doors, passing out brochures, putting up yard signs, and making phone calls. We've written letters to our clients. We're leaning on our friends. We've organized Bowmore. We're doing everything possible because if we lose the Baker case there is no tomorrow,Replica Designer Handbags.”
"Where is the appeal,Moncler outlet online store?”
"All the briefs are in. Everything is nice and tidy and waiting on the court to tell us when, and if, it wants oral argument. Probably early next year.”
"No chance of a decision before the election?”
"None whatsoever. It's the most important case on the docket, but then every lawyer feels this way. As you know, the court works on its own schedule. No one can push it.”
They had iced coffee as they inspected the judge's small vegetable garden. The temperature was a hundred degrees and Wes was ready to go. They finally shook hands on the front porch. As Wes drove away, he couldn't help but worry about him. Judge Harrison was much more concerned about the McCarthy race than his own.
The hearing was on a motion to dismiss filed by Hinds County. The courtroom belonged to Chancellor Phil Shingleton. It was a small, busy, efficient courtroom with oak walls and the obligatory faded portraits of long-forgotten judges. There was no box for the jurors because jury trials did not occur in chancery court,Moncler Outlet. Crowds were rare, but for this hearing every seat was taken.
Meyerchec and Spano, back from Chicago, sat with their radical lawyer at one table.
At the other were two young women representing the county. Chancellor Shingleton called things to order, welcomed the crowd, noted the interest from the media, and looked at the file. Two courtroom artists worked on Meyerchec and Spano. Everyone waited anxiously as Shingleton flipped through paperwork as if he'd never seen it.
In fact, he'd read it many times and had already written his ruling.
"Just curious," he said without looking up. "Why did you file this thing in chancery court?”
The radical lawyer stood and said, "It's a matter of equity, Your Honor. And we knew we could expect a fair trial here." If it was intended as humor, it missed its mark.
The reason it was filed in chancery court was to get it dismissed as soon as possible.
A hearing in circuit court would take even longer. A federal lawsuit would go off in the wrong direction.
"Proceed," Shingleton said.

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