Sunday, November 4, 2012

  I ought to give you all my impressions of London

  I ought to give you all my impressions of London, I suppose; but I'vegrown so used to the place that I don't think I have any now. I seem tohave been here years and years.
  You will see by the address that Mr. Faucitt has not yet sold hisinheritance. He expects to do so very soon, he tells me--there is arich-looking man with whiskers and a keen eye whom he is always lunchingwith, and I think big deals are in progress. Poor dear! he is crazy toget away into the country and settle down and grow ducks and things.
  London has disappointed him. It is not the place it used to be. Untilquite lately, when he grew resigned, he used to wander about in adisconsolate sort of way, trying to locate the landmarks of his youth.
  (He has not been in England for nearly thirty years!) The trouble is, itseems, that about once in every thirty years a sort of craze for changecomes over London, and they paint a shop-front red instead of blue,Fake Designer Handbags, andthat upsets the returned exile dreadfully. Mr. Faucitt feels like RipVan Winkle. His first shock was when he found that the Empire was atheatre now instead of a music-hall. Then he was told that anothermusic-hall, the Tivoli, had been pulled down altogether. And when on topof that he went to look at the baker's shop in Rupert Street, over whichhe had lodgings in the eighties, and discovered that it had been turnedinto a dressmaker's, he grew very melancholy, and only cheered up alittle when a lovely magenta fog came on and showed him that some thingswere still going along as in the good old days.
  I am kept quite busy at Laurette et Cie., thank goodness. (Not being aFrench scholar like you--do you remember Jules?--I thought at first thatCie was the name of the junior partner, and looked forward to meetinghim. "Miss Nicholas, shake hands with Mr. Cie, one of your greatestadmirers.") I hold down the female equivalent of your job at theFillmore Nicholas Theatrical Enterprises Ltd.--that is to say, I'm asort of right-hand woman. I hang around and sidle up to the customerswhen they come in, and say, "Chawming weather, moddom!" (which isusually a black lie) and pass them on to the staff, who do the actualwork. I shouldn't mind going on like this for the next few years, butMr,fake uggs online store. Faucitt is determined to sell. I don't know if you are like that,but every other Englishman I've ever met seems to have an ambition toown a house and lot in Loamshire or Hants or Salop or somewhere. Theirone object in life is to make some money and "buy back the old place"--which was sold, of course, at the end of act one to pay the heir'sgambling debts.
  Mr. Faucitt, when he was a small boy,replica mont blanc pens, used to live in a little villagein Gloucestershire, near a place called Cirencester--at least, it isn't:
  it's called Cissister, which I bet you didn't know--and after forgettingabout it for fifty years, he has suddenly been bitten by the desire toend his days there, surrounded by pigs and chickens,shox torch 2. He took me down tosee the place the other day. Oh, Ginger, this English country! Why anyof you ever live in towns I can't think. Old, old grey stone houses withyellow haystacks and lovely squelchy muddy lanes and great fat trees andblue hills in the distance. The peace of it! If ever I sell my soul, Ishall insist on the devil giving me at least forty years in some Englishcountry place in exchange.

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