Tuesday, December 18, 2012

鎴戞槸浼犲 I Am Legend_052

He put her in the back seat and got in the car. He took a deep breath and reached for the starter button.
He drew back. Getting out of the oar again, he went into the garage and got the shovel.
He twitched as he came out, seeing the man across the street approaching slowly. He put the shovel in the back and got in the car.
The man's shout was hoarse. The man tried to run, but he wasn't strong enough.
Robert Neville sat there silently as the man came shuffling up,montblanc pen.
"Could you ... let me bring my ... my mother too?" the man said stiffly.
Neville's brain wouldn't function,best replica rolex watches. He thought he was going to cry again, but he caught himself and stiffened his back.
"I'm not going to the ... there," he said.
The man looked at him blankly.
"But your..."
"I'm not going to the fire, I said!" Neville blurted out, and jabbed in the starter button.
"But your wife," said the man. "You have your..."
Robert Neville jerked the gear shift into reverse,cheap foamposites.
"Please," begged the man.
"I'm not going there!" Neville shouted without looking at the man.
"But it's the law!" the man shouted back, suddenly furious.
The car raced back quickly into the street and Neville jerked it around to face Compton Boulevard. As he sped away he saw the man standing at the curb watching him leave. Fool! His mind grated. Do you think I'm going to throw my wife into a fire?
The streets were deserted. He turned left at Compton and started west. As he drove he looked at the huge lot on the right side of the car. He couldn't use any of the cemeteries. They were locked and watched. Men had been shot trying to bury their loved ones.
He turned right at the next block. and drove up one block, turned night again into a quiet street that ended in the lot. Halfway up the block he cut the motor. He rolled the rest of the way so no one would hear the car,chanel.
No one saw him carry her from the car or carry her deep into the high-weeded lot. No one saw him put her down on an open patch of ground and then disappear from view as he knelt.

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