Wednesday, October 17, 2012

cheap lv handbags sale Ps3 Blinking Red Light Fix - Mistakes You Do Not Want To Make_16500

Just to clarify, the PS3 blinking red light problem is when your Playstation 3 console will not start up, and the red standby light blinks on and off, but the console will not power up.

This problem is probably the most common fault that PS3 owners face, with many people thinking that this means the death of their PS3 console, at least until they can afford to send it off to Sony, or buy a new console all together.

Luckily for you, a cheap PS3 blinking red light fix may be just around the corner. Downloadable PS3 repair guides from the Internet have become hot property, with the level of consoles being sent back to Sony for repair at an all time low.

Before you make a decision about purchasing one of these repair guides though, here are some mistakes that you do not want to make:

1. Think that the PS3 is a tough console.

It may be chunky, but a PS3 repair guide will take you right into the internal component of a PS3. Extra care is especially needed when unscrewing/lifting off covers etc; knocking one component or bending/splitting one wire will more than likely damage your PS3 beyond repair.

2. Think that you do not need to follow the exact steps in the guide.

These guides have been created for people with no electrical/technological expertise, so if they seem simple beyond the point of belief, that is why. Every step in the guide has to be followed exactly, otherwise things will go wrong, and you will have wasted your money. If you purchase a guide and then don't follow the steps, you may as well have saved your money.

3. Send it to a local PS3 repair shop without first arranging a price.

Many PS3 repair shops are like car garages - they will give you an initial quote, and you will have a phone call everyday regarding new problems, with that initial quote price creeping higher and higher. Get them to indentify the problem when you bring your console to them, and set the maximum price that you will pay.

The tips above should hopefully have shown you what not to do, when looking for a PS3 blinking red light fix.

In my opinion, the quickest way to fix the PS3 blinking red light issue is to buy a PS3 repair manual off the Internet.


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