Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Interrupting these sculptured walls were high windows and massive twelve-foot doorways; both now and then retaining the petrified wooden planks — elaborately carved and polished — of the actual shutters and doors. All metal fixtures had long ago vanished, but some of the doors remained in place and had to be forced aside as we progressed from room to room. Window frames with odd transparent panes — mostly elliptical — survived here and there, though in no considerable quantity. There were also frequent niches of great magnitude, generally empty, but once in a while containing some bizarre object carved from green soapstone which was either broken or perhaps held too inferior to warrant removal. Other apertures were undoubtedly connected with bygone mechanical facilities — heating, lighting, and the like — of a sort suggested in many of the carvings. Ceilings tended to be plain, but had sometimes been inlaid with green soapstone or other tiles, mostly fallen now. Floors were also paved with such tiles, though plain stonework predominated.
As I have said, all furniture and other movables were absent; but the sculptures gave a clear idea of the strange devices which had once filled these tomblike, echoing rooms. Above the glacial sheet the floors were generally thick with detritus, litter, and debris, but farther down this condition decreased. In some of the lower chambers and corridors there was little more than gritty dust or ancient incrustations, while occasional areas had an uncanny air of newly swept immaculateness. Of course, where rifts or collapses had occurred, the lower levels were as littered as the upper ones. A central court — as in other structures we had seen from the air — saved the inner regions from total darkness; so that we seldom had to use our electric torches in the upper rooms except when studying sculptured details. Below the ice cap, however, the twilight deepened; and in many parts of the tangled ground level there was an approach to absolute blackness.
To form even a rudimentary idea of our thoughts and feelings as we penetrated this aeon-silent maze of unhuman masonry, one must correlate a hopelessly bewildering chaos of fugitive moods, memories, and impressions. The sheer appalling antiquity and lethal desolation of the place were enough to overwhelm almost any sensitive person, but added to these elements were the recent unexplained horror at the camp, and the revelations all too soon effected by the terrible mural sculptures around us. The moment we came upon a perfect section of carving, where no ambiguity of interpretation could exist, it took only a brief study to give us the hideous truth — a truth which it would be naive to claim Danforth and I had not independently suspected before, though we had carefully refrained from even hinting it to each other. There could now be no further merciful doubt about the nature of the beings which had built and inhabited this monstrous dead city millions of years ago, when man’s ancestors were primitive archaic mammals, and vast dinosaurs roamed the tropical steppes of Europe and Asia.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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The _Wiggle_, moreover, possessed many attributes which are denied to other small steamers. She had, for example, a Maxim gun on her tiny forecastle. She had a siren of unusual power and diabolical tone, she was also fitted with a big motor-horn, both of which appendages were Bones's gift to his flagship. The motor-horn may seem superfluous, but when the matter is properly explained, you will understand the necessity for some less drastic method of self-advertisement than the siren.
The first time the siren had been fitted Bones had taken the _Wiggle_ through "the Channel." Here the river narrows and deepens, and the current runs at anything from five to seven knots an hour. Bones was going up stream, and met the Bolalo Mission steamer coming down. She had dipped her flag to the _Wiggle's_ blue ensign, and Bones had replied with two terrific blasts on his siren.
After that the _Wiggle_ went backwards, floating with the current all ways, from broadside on to stern first, for in those two blasts Bones had exhausted the whole of his steam reserve.
She was also equipped with wireless. There was an "aerial" and an apparatus which Bones had imported from England at a cost of twelve pounds, and which was warranted to receive messages from two hundred miles distant. There was also a book of instructions. Bones went to his hut with the book and read it. His servant found him in bed the next morning, sleeping like a child, with his hand resting lightly upon the second page.
Sanders and Hamilton both took a hand at fixing the _Wiggle's_ wireless. The only thing they were all quite certain about was that there ought to be a wire somewhere. So they stretched the aerial from the funnel to the flagstaff at the stern of the boat, and then addressed themselves to the less simple solution of "making it work."
They tried it for a week, and gave it up in despair.
"They've had you, Bones," said Hamilton. "It doesn't 'went.' Poor old Bones!"
"Your pity, dear old officer, is offensive," said Bones stiffly, "an' I don't mind tellin' you that I've a queer feelin'--I can't explain what it is, except that I'm a dooce of a psychic--that that machine is goin' to be jolly useful."
But though Bones worked day and night, read the book of instructions from cover to cover, and took the whole apparatus to pieces, examining each part under a strong magnifying glass, he never succeeded either in transmitting or receiving a message, and the machine was repacked and stored in the spare cabin, and was never by any chance referred to, except by Hamilton in his most unpleasant moments.
Bones took an especial delight in the _Wiggle_; it was his very own ship, and he gave her his best personal attention.
It was Bones who ordered from London especially engraved notepaper headed "H. M. S. _Komfuru_"--the native name sounded more dignified than _Wiggle_, and more important than "Launch 36." It was Bones who installed the little dynamo which--when it worked--lit the cabins and even supplied power for a miniature searchlight. It was Bones who had her painted Service grey, and would have added another funnel if Hamilton had not detected the attempted aggrandizement. Bones claimed that she was dustproof, waterproof, and torpedo-proof, and Hamilton had voiced his regret that she was not also fool-proof.

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There came to Bones every mail day a thick wad of letters and parcels innumerable, and he could sit at the big table for hours on end, whistling a little out of tune, mumbling incoherently. He had a trick of commenting upon his letters aloud, which was very disconcerting for Hamilton. Bones wouldn't open a letter and get half-way through it before he began his commenting.
"... poor soul ... dear! dear! ... what a silly old ass ... ah, would you ... don't do it, Billy...."
To Hamilton's eyes the bulk of correspondence rather increased than diminished.
"You must owe a lot of money," he said one day.
"All these...!" Hamilton opened his hand to a floor littered with discarded envelopes. "I suppose they represent demands...."
"Dear lad," said Bones brightly, "they represent popularity--I'm immensely popular, sir," he gulped a little as he fished out two dainty envelopes from the pile before him; "you may not have experienced the sensation, but I assure you, sir, it's pleasing, it's doocidly pleasing!"
"Complacent ass," said Hamilton, and returned to his own correspondence.
Systematically Bones went through his letters, now and again consulting a neat little morocco-covered note-book. (It would appear he kept a very careful record of every letter he wrote home, its contents, the date of its dispatch, and the reply thereto.) He had reduced letter writing to a passion, spent most of his evenings writing long epistles to his friends--mostly ladies of a tender age--and had incidentally acquired a reputation in the Old Country for his brilliant powers of narrative.
This, Hamilton discovered quite by accident. It would appear that Hamilton's sister had been on a visit--was in fact on the visit when she wrote one letter which so opened Hamilton's eyes--and mentioned that she was staying with some great friends of Bones'. She did not, of course, call him "Bones," but "Mr. Tibbetts."
"I should awfully like to meet him," she wrote, "he must be a very interesting man. Aggie Vernon had a letter from him yesterday wherein he described his awful experience lion-hunting.
"To be chased by a lion and caught and then carried to the beast's lair must have been awful!
"Mr. Tibbetts is very modest about it in his letter, and beyond telling Aggie that he escaped by sticking his finger in the lion's eye he says little of his subsequent adventure. By the way, Pat, Aggie tells me that you had a bad bout of fever and that Mr. Tibbetts carried you for some miles to the nearest doctor. I wish you wouldn't keep these things so secret, it worries me dreadfully unless you tell me--even the worst about yourself. I hope your interesting friend returned safely from his dangerous expedition into the interior--he was on the point of leaving when his letter was dispatched and was quite gloomy about his prospects...."
Hamilton read this epistle over and over again, then he sent for Bones.
That gentleman came most cheerfully, full of fine animal spirits, and----
"Just had a letter about you, Bones," said Hamilton carelessly.
"About me, sir!" said Bones; "from the War Office--I'm not being decorated or anything!" he asked anxiously.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Pharmacy-related aspects of the passed bill include a loan-forgiveness program & grants for pharmacist-provided medication therapy management (MTM) services. Medicare reimbursement and how it relates to pharmacy is uncertain (ie, how it may impact the home infusion setting). Increased access to healthcare as a result of the reform is expected to increase healthcare demand, and this is good for pharmacists.

Some challenges that we are up against include legislators not seeing the level of care that pharmacists can provide to them in the pharmacies they go to. This can happen especially in pharmacies that are understaffed. In those pharmacies, pharmacists may not be able to give each patient the attention they抎 like.

How do you think the healthcare reform will affect pharmacy? What are your biggest questions about how it can impact pharmacy? I know some of you are concerned about whether pharmacist salaries will be affected; others wonder how it will affect the pharmaceutical industry or PBMs.

Want to find out how you can contribute to educate the public about our profession & encourage lawmakers to encourage pharmacy practice the way we抎 like to practice?

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But away with dreams. This is a work-a-day world and I am racing Time around it. After dinner, when the boat anchored, waiting for the tide which was to carry us safely over the bar, I went below to see the Chinese passengers. They were gambling, smoking opium, sleeping, cooking, eating, reading and talking, all huddled together on one deck, which was in one large room, not divided into cabins. They carry their own beds, a bit of matting, and their own food, little else than rice and tea.
Before daybreak we anchored at Canton. The Chinamen went ashore the moment we landed, but the other passengers remained for breakfast.
While we were having breakfast, the guide whom the captain had secured for us, came on board and quietly supervised the luncheon we were to take with us. A very clever fellow was that guide, Ah Cum. The first thing he said to us was “A Merry Christmas!” and as it had even slipped our minds, I know we all appreciated the polite thoughtfulness of our Chinese guide. Ah Cum told me later that he had been educated in an American mission located in Canton, but he assured me, with great earnestness, that English was all he learned. He would have none of the Christian religion. Ah Cum’s son was also educated in an American mission, and, like his father, has put his learning to good account. Besides being paid as guide, Ah Cum collects a percentage from merchants for all the goods bought by tourists. Of course the tourists pay higher prices than they would otherwise, and Ah Cum sees they visit no shops where he is not paid his little fee.
Ah Cum is more comely in features than most Mongolians, his nose being more shapely and his eyes less slit-like than those of most of his race. He had on his feet beaded black shoes with white soles. His navy-blue trousers, or tights, more properly speaking, were tied around the ankle and fitted very tight over most of the leg. Over this he wore a blue, stiffly starched shirt-shaped garment, which reached his heels, while over this he wore a short padded and quilted silk jacket, somewhat similar to a smoking jacket. His long, coal-black queue, finished with a tassel of black silk, touched his heels, and on the spot where the queue began rested a round black turban.
Ah Cum had chairs ready for us. His chair was a neat arrangement in black, black silk hangings, tassels, fringe and black wood-poles finished with brass knobs. Once in it, he closed it, and was hidden from the gaze of the public. Our plain willow chairs had ordinary covers, which, to my mind, rather interfered with sightseeing. We had three coolies to each chair. Those with us were bare-footed, with tousled pig-tail and navy-blue shirts and trousers, much the worse for wear both in cleanliness and quality. Ah Cum’s coolies wore white linen garments, gayly trimmed with broad bands of red cloth, looking very much like a circus clown’s costume.
Ah Cum led the way, our coolies following. For a time I was only conscious of a confused mass of black faces and long pig tails, though shortly I became accustomed to it, and was able to distinguish different objects along the crowded thoroughfare; could note the different stands and the curious looks of the people. We were carried along dark and dirty narrow ways, in and about fish stands, whence odors drifted, filling me with disgust, until we crossed a bridge which spanned a dark and sluggish stream.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Not long afterward a steep descent in a long, low, doorless, and peculiarly sculptureless corridor led us to believe that we were approaching the tunnel mouth at last. We had passed two more penguins, and heard others immediately ahead. Then the corridor ended in a prodigious open space which made us gasp involuntarily — a perfect inverted hemisphere, obviously deep underground; fully a hundred feet in diameter and fifty feet high, with low archways opening around all parts of the circumference but one, and that one yawning cavernously with a black, arched aperture which broke the symmetry of the vault to a height of nearly fifteen feet. It was the entrance to the great abyss.
In this vast hemisphere, whose concave roof was impressively though decadently carved to a likeness of the primordial celestial dome, a few albino penguins waddled — aliens there, but indifferent and unseeing. The black tunnel yawned indefinitely off at a steep, descending grade, its aperture adorned with grotesquely chiseled jambs and lintel. From that cryptical mouth we fancied a current of slightly warmer air, and perhaps even a suspicion of vapor proceeded; and we wondered what living entities other than penguins the limitless void below, and the contiguous honeycombings of the land and the titan mountains, might conceal. We wondered, too, whether the trace of mountaintop smoke at first suspected by poor Lake, as well as the odd haze we had ourselves perceived around the rampart-crowned peak, might not be caused by the tortuous-channeled rising of some such vapor from the unfathomed regions of earth’s core.
Entering the tunnel, we saw that its outline was — at least at the start — about fifteen feet each way — sides, floor, and arched roof composed of the usual megalithic masonry. The sides were sparsely decorated with cartouches of conventional designs in a late, decadent style; and all the construction and carving were marvelously well-preserved. The floor was quite clear, except for a slight detritus bearing outgoing penguin tracks and the inward tracks of these others. The farther one advanced, the warmer it became; so that we were soon unbuttoning our heavy garments. We wondered whether there were any actually igneous manifestations below, and whether the waters of that sunless sea were hot. After a short distance the masonry gave place to solid rock, though the tunnel kept the same proportions and presented the same aspect of carved regularity. Occasionally its varying grade became so steep that grooves were cut in the floor. Several times we noted the mouths of small lateral galleries not recorded in our diagrams; none of them such as to complicate the problem of our return, and all of them welcome as possible refuges in case we met unwelcome entities on their way back from the abyss. The nameless scent of such things was very distinct. Doubtless it was suicidally foolish to venture into that tunnel under the known conditions, but the lure of the unplumbed is stronger in certain persons than most suspect — indeed, it was just such a lure which had brought us to this unearthly polar waste in the first place. We saw several penguins as we passed along, and speculated on the distance we would have to traverse. The carvings had led us to expect a steep downhill walk of about a mile to the abyss, but our previous wanderings had shown us that matters of scale were not wholly to be depended on.

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“That is rather hard, isn’t it?” I said quietly, forcing a smile that was on the lips, but came from nowhere near the heart.
“I’m astonished you did not know anything about it,” he said. “She led us to suppose that it was an arranged race.”
“I do not believe my editor would arrange a race without advising me,” I said stoutly. “Have you no cables or messages for me from New York?”
“Nothing,” was his reply.
“Probably they do not know about her,” I said more cheerfully.
“Yes they do. She worked for the same newspaper you do until the day she started.”
“I do not understand it,” I said quietly, too proud to show my ignorance on a subject of vital importance to my well-doing. “You say I cannot leave here for five days?”
“No, and I don’t think you can get to New York in eighty days. She intends to do it in seventy. She has letters to steamship officials at every point requesting them to do all they can to get her on. Have you any letters?”
“Only one, from the agent of the P. and O., requesting the captains of their boats to be good to me because I am traveling alone. That is all,” I said with a little smile.
“Well, it’s too bad; but I think you have lost it. There is no chance for you. You will lose five days here and five in Yokohoma, and you are sure to have a slow trip across at this season.
Just then a young man, with the softest black eyes and a clear pale complexion, came into the office. The agent, Mr. Harmon, introduced him to me as Mr. Fuhrmann, the purser of the Oceanic, the ship on which I would eventually travel to Japan and America. The young man took my hand in a firm, strong clasp, and his soft black eyes gave me such a look of sympathy that it only needed his kind tone to cheer me into a happier state.
“I went down to the Oriental to meet you; Mr. Harmon thought it was better. We want to take good care of you now that you are in our charge, but, unfortunately, I missed you. I returned to the hotel, and as they knew nothing about you there I came here, fearing that you were lost.”
“I have found kind friends everywhere,” I said, with a slight motion towards the doctor, who was speechless over the ill-luck that had befallen me. “I am sorry to have been so much trouble to you.”
“Trouble! You are with your own people now, and we are only too happy if we can be of service,” he said kindly. “You must not mind about the possibility of some one getting around the world in less time than you may do it. You have had the worst connections it is possible to make, and everybody knows the idea originated with you, and that others are merely trying to steal the work of your brain, so, whether you get in before or later, people will give you the credit of having originated the idea.”
“I promised my editor that I would go around the world in seventy-five days, and if I accomplish that I shall be satisfied,” I stiffly explained. “I am not racing with anyone. I would not race. If someone else wants to do the trip in less time, that is their concern. If they take it upon themselves to race against me, it is their lookout that they succeed. I am not racing. I promised to do the trip in seventy-five days, and I will do it; although had I been permitted to make the trip when I first proposed it over a year ago, I should then have done it in sixty days.”

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By the time Nell had been a fortnight in the cottage, she had become a most intelligent and zealous assistant to old Madge. It was clear that she instinctively felt she should remain in the dwelling where she had been so charitably received, and perhaps never dreamt of quitting it. This family was all in all to her, and to the good folks themselves Nell had seemed an adopted child from the moment when she first came beneath their roof. Nell was in truth a charming creature; her new mode of existence added to her beauty, for these were no doubt the first happy days of her life, and her heart was full of gratitude towards those to whom she owed them. Madge felt towards her as a mother would; the old woman doted upon her; in short, she was beloved by everybody. Jack Ryan only regretted one thing, which was that he had not saved her himself. Friend Jack often came to the cottage. He sang, and Nell, who had never heard singing before, admired it greatly; but anyone might see that she preferred to Jack's songs the graver conversation of Harry, from whom by degrees she learnt truths concerning the outer world, of which hitherto she had known nothing.
It must be said that, since Nell had appeared in her own person, Jack Ryan had been obliged to admit that his belief in hobgoblins was in a measure weakened. A couple of months later his credulity experienced a further shock. About that time Harry unexpectedly made a discovery which, in part at least, accounted for the apparition of the fire-maidens among the ruins of Dundonald Castle at Irvine.
During several days he had been engaged in exploring the remote galleries of the prodigious excavation towards the south. At last he scrambled with difficulty up a narrow passage which branched off through the upper rock. To his great astonishment, he suddenly found himself in the open air. The passage, after ascending obliquely to the surface of the ground, led out directly among the ruins of Dundonald Castle.
There was, therefore, a communication between New Aberfoyle and the hills crowned by this ancient castle. The upper entrance to this gallery, being completely concealed by stones and brushwood, was invisible from without; at the time of their search, therefore, the magistrates had been able to discover nothing.
A few days afterwards, James Starr, guided by Harry, came himself to inspect this curious natural opening into the coal mine. "Well," said he, "here is enough to convince the most superstitious among us. Farewell to all their brownies, goblins, and fire-maidens now!"
"I hardly think, Mr. Starr, we ought to congratulate ourselves," replied Harry. "Whatever it is we have instead of these things, it can't be better, and may be worse than they are."
"That's true, Harry," said the engineer; "but what's to be done? It is plain that, whatever the beings are who hide in the mine, they reach the surface of the earth by this passage. No doubt it was the light of torches waved by them during that dark and stormy night which attracted the MOTALA towards the rocky coast, and like the wreckers of former days, they would have plundered the unfortunate vessel, had it not been for Jack Ryan and his friends. Anyhow, so far it is evident, and here is the mouth of the den. As to its occupants, the question is--Are they here still?"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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San Diego Harbor Bay Tour

As vast as the San Diego harbor is, a simple walk
around it doesn't do it justice! To partake in the
beauty that is San Diego Harbor, you need to take a
tour of the bay. San Diego Harbor Excursion can
help you do that, as they are the most established
tour company throughout the bay.

As a guest, they will treat you with as one of them,
helping to bring your cruise to life. There are
a few parts to the tour, ensuring that you get the
most out of your time on the cruise.

Tour of the North Bay
On your tour of the North Bay, you'll see the North
Island Naval Air Station, Shelter Islands, and even
the Naval Sub Base. If you look closely, you'll
also be able see the Cabrillo National Monument as

The tour of the North Bay is around 12 miles in length
and lasts about an hour. This is a fine tour for
anyone interested in the Navy as well. During your
tour the guides will explain everything to you as
you see it. This way, you'll always know what's going

Tour of the South Bay
Your tour of the South Bay consists of the Star of
India, the Naval surface fleet, Coronado Bay Bridge,
and the shipyards. This is a very busy and hectic
area, which makes a tour excellent to see everything
that this area has to offer.

The tour of South Bay is roughly 12 miles in length
and also lasts around an hour. The guides will explain
things here to you as well, ensuring that you know
exactly what you are seeing.

Tour of the Bay
Those of you who are looking to see it all should go
for the deluxe tour of the entire bay. You'll see
everything covered in the North and South Bay, along
with everything else the bay has to offer. The tour
is around 25 miles in length and lasts around 2 hours.

To get started on your tour, all you need to do is
contact the Harbor Excursion. The price for the tour
is very reasonable, considering everything you'll be

If you happen to live in San Diego, taking the tour is
easier than ever. Those of you who are visiting or on
vacation should give the tour a shot as well. This way
you'll get to experience everything that San Diego Bay
has to offer you without having to walk around. And
best of all - tour guides will explain the sights to
you - so you'll never miss a second.

(word count 433)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Popular Formula D Driver Sponsors

When it comes to Formula D and sponsors, there is quite a bit of focus that is placed on the sport, as a whole. There are a large number of companies that sponsor Formula D events, as a whole. However, there are also companies that sponsor individual drivers. In fact, almost all Formula D drivers have at least one sponsor, many have more than one. As Formula Drifting increases in popularity, so do the number of fans that tune into programming or show up for events. For that reason, you will find that a fairly large number of product manufacturers, for well known products, are making the decision to sponsor a driver.

Samuel Hubinette can easily be considered one of the most well known and well performing Formula D drivers. In fact, he already has one championship underneath his belt. This popular driver is sponsored by quite a few companies; this is a sign of his popularity and his outstanding performance. In addition to being sponsored by BF Goodrich, a popular tire manufacturer, Hubinette is also sponsored by Mopar. Mopar is a division of Daimler-Chrysler that specializes in vehicle care, including maintenance and parts. Additional sponsors for Hubinette include Toxic Drift and Nu Formz Racing.

Rhys Millen, along with Samuel Hubinette, can easily be considered one of the top drifters in the sport of Formula Drifting. As with Hubinette, the number of sponsors speaks for itself. Rhys Millen is most well known for being sponsored by Red Bull, the popular energy drink. In fact, Red Bull is one of the most popular and well known sponsors of a Formula D driver. Additional sponsors of Millen�s include Pontiac, Rotora, RMR Products, and Bridgestone Tire.

Tanner Foust, another popular Formula D driver, also has quite a few sponsors. His tire sponsor is that of Toyo Tires. Although not as popular as the Red Bull energy drink, Foust is sponsored by Unbound Energy Drink. Additional sponsors include Memphis Car Audio, AEM, and Motegi Racing Wheels.

Ken Gushi, a well known Japanese drifter, is often referred to as �The Future.� This nickname was derived from his success, while still at a young age. With many other popular Formula D drivers, you can see that Gushi is successful with the number of sponsors that he has. He is currently sponsored by Toyo Tires, Ford Racing, JLine Wheels, and Gushi Auto.

Do you notice a common bond with many of these driver sponsors? A wide variety of these sponsors are targeting those who are fans of Formula Drifting. Many of these fans are car lovers themselves. Therefore, the sponsors seem to have some relation to cars or auto parts. In addition to tire sponsors, sponsors are regularly found for specific vehicle models, car parts, car care companies, and much more. As with what is happening with NASCAR, the hopes of these sponsors is that the fans will purchase their products; thus making their sponsorships worthwhile.

Of course, in addition to the above mentioned Formula Drifting drivers, there are additional drivers that participate in professional drifting. In fact, it is not uncommon to have an event turn out with around forty drivers, sometimes even more. Many of these drivers all have different, unique sponsors. If you would like more information on these drivers, as well as their sponsors, you are advised to visit the online website for the Formula Drift Championship. That online website can be found at www.formulad.com.


Word Count 572

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Before artists begin oil paintings they must consider many things. The things that must be considered include lighting, ventilation, knowing which brushes to use for the paintings and more. The majority of artists really like their work. Anyone who has an interest in beginning the hobby of designing their own oil paintings should consider these factors.

It is important not to use cheap brushes when painting. This is because a cheap set of brushes will only shed the bristles on the canvas. It is common for an artist to find themselves picking out bristles of the paint. When this happens it can ruin the painting. Anyone who wants to paint should think about investing in a really good set of brushes for their oil paintings. The best brushes that can be used for painting include a variety of flat brushes and a few small round brushes for detailing.

It is also important to consider a set of nylon brushes too. Most professional oil painters only use nylon brushes when they are painting with acrylic as a base. These brushes should only be used with acrylic paint. Do not use nylon brushes with oil paintings. It is common for an artist to practice painting with acrylic as an underpainting because it dries quicker and saves a lot of time. Oil can be painted directly over the acrylic.

Taking care of paint brushes is very important also. A good painter knows how to properly care for the brushes. If the brushes being used are expensive this is especially important because it will increase the longevity of the brushes so you won't have to buy new ones with new oil paintings. Cleaning and storing brushes improperly will ruin them. A specific brush cleaner should be used along with a preserver.

When painting oil on canvas good lighting is very important. Straining your eyes will occur when the lighting in the room is bad. Natural light is the best light. Windows in a room really help open up the room and bring in the best natural light. Painting outdoors is often preferred by some artists because of the natural light. When using insufficient light while painting, an artists will notice oil paintings look very different when in natural light. Bad lighting is only an eye strain.

When creating oil paintings ventilation in the room is another important factor. Oil painting thinners and cleaners are used by most artists in the studio when painting artwork in a studio. The chemicals in these types of things are very toxic. People with respiratory problems have problems breathing when they use improper ventilation. Eyes watering and other problems will occur when exposed to the fumes of these chemicals. Opening the windows and doors are very important when it comes to providing the proper ventilation..

There are many things that must be considered when an artist paints oil paintings. A good set of paint brushes should always be used because the cheap brushes will fall apart. When painting with acrylic paints, always use nylon brushes. Store and clean the paint brushes properly to ensure the longevity of the brushes. Good vision and lungs require appropriate ventilation and proper lighting.

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Keep in mind � your resume is your sales pitch, demonstrating your qualifications and experience to your potential employer. Seize the opportunity to put your best foot forward and you will reap the rewards.

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In addition to cruising along water, most cruise ships dock in a port. It is likely that you will be visiting a foreign country. In the event that you end up on foreign land, it is important that you carefully monitor what you eat and drink. If you notice drinking advisories, you are urged to follow them. Instead of drinking tap water, you may want to opt for bottled water or another bottled beverage. Many individuals are concerned only with the drinking water, but you should also be concerned with ice cubes and water in uncooked foods.

As you can see, the above mentioned precautionary measures are simple and easy to follow. Why put yourself at risk for illness; especially when it requires little or no effort to keep your health in good standing.


Word Count 673

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Label Resell Rights

At any given moment in time, there are a number of individuals who are searching the internet in hopes of finding a legitimate money making opportunity. Many of those individuals are at-home parents, others are retired, and some just want to find a better opportunity. If you are interested in making money, in a relatively easy way, you are advised to further examine private label resell rights. It may very well be the opportunity that you have been searching for.

Private label resell rights are typically offered by the product抯 creator. Although these individuals may have the time and the knowledge needed to create new products, most do not have the time or the knowledge to sell those products. Instead of selling their own products, many rely on others to do the selling for them. When you obtain the resell rights to a private label product, you are buying the rights to resell that product. These products most commonly include software programs and e-books, but they are not limited to just those products. After the transaction has taken place, you will then be responsible for selling the product. In fact, you will make money from each sale that you successfully process.

If obtaining the private label resell rights to a particular product sounds like an amazing business opportunity, you may be right. However, with all other business opportunities, it is important to remember one thing; not all opportunities work for everyone. This means that although someone you know may be able to turn a profit buying the resell rights to an e-book or a software program, you may not necessarily be able to. Before investing in a private label product, not matter what that product is, you are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of private label resell rights. This step is important to determining whether or not this business opportunity can help you make money online.

The biggest advantage to private label resell rights is that you get to make money selling a product that you didn抰 even create. In some cases, you are even allowed, and maybe even required, to alter the work, but then you can claim it as your own. This means that overnight you literally could become a freelance writer or a software developer.

Another advantage to private label resell rights it the flexibility you will have. Each time you sell the product, which you have acquired the resell rights you, you will make money. The amount of money you make will all depend on how many hours you work. These hours could be as much or as little as you want. In fact, many private label resell buyers are able to make money selling their products with only working a few hours a week.

While there are advantages to obtaining the resell rights to a private label product, there are disadvantages as well. To make money, you must able to find a product that will sell. Unfortunately, too many resell right buyers do not research a product before buying it. Those individuals usually end up losing money because they purchased a product that was poor in quality or one that couldn抰 sell. Of course, this disadvantage doesn抰 have to be one. You can learn some great tips on how to find and resell products at www.plrtips.com where you can download a 2 hour free audio course on the subject. All you need to do is research each product before agreeing to purchase it. This research should enable to make money, not lose it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton Christmas Article 48

48. History of Christmas
Commercial activities during Christmas today are often decried as making
the season too materialistic. This has caused comments that the religious aspect
of Christmas is so overlooked and overshadowed that its celebration seems to be
purely pagan. But today's comparisons aren't the first there has been some link
between Christmas and pagan celebrations. As a religious, church leaders
instituted Christmas during winter because that time of year was a popular for
the celebrations of many pagan festivals. The hope was that Christmas would also
become a holiday that would gain much popularity.
Long before the birth of Jesus Christ, people in various parts of Europe would
celebrate light and birth in the darkest days of winter. The winter solstice,
when the harshest part of winter was over, was a time of celebration for many
peoples because they would look forward to more hours of sunlight during the
longer days ahead.
The Norse in Scandinavia celebrated Yule from the winter solstice on
December 21 through to January. Men brought home logs that were lighted and a
feast would take place until the log was completely burned. Each spark from the
fire was believed to represent a new pig or calf to be born in the coming new
The pagan god Oden was honored by Germans during the mid-winter holiday. Oden
inspired great fear in the Germans who believed that Oden traveled at nights
through the sky to observe people and make a decision about who would perish or
prosper in life. This belief caused most people to stay inside during the
In Rome it was the god of agriculture, Saturn, who was honored in a
holiday called Saturnalia. It was a holiday that started during the week that
led up to the winter solstice and continued for a month with hedonistic
celebrations. There was plenty of food and drink and the normal social class
rules of who had privilege and power in Roman society were totally disregarded
as everyone participated in the festivities. Some Romans also had a feast called
Juvenalia to honor children and the birthday of the sun god Mithra was sometimes
celebrated by the upper classes.
In the early years of the start of Christianity the main holiday was
Easter. It was in the 4th Century that church officials made a decision to have
the birth of Jesus celebrated as a holiday and Pope Julius I chose December 25
as the day of Jesus' birth. The holiday, which was first called the Feast of the
Nativity, spread to England by the end of the 6th Century and to Scandinavia by
the end of the 8th Century.
Church leaders achieved the goal of having Christmas celebrations, including
attendance at church, become popular during the winter solstice, but they were
unable to control other pagan-like celebrations during Christmas. Believers
would attend church on Christmas and then participate later in raucous and
drunken celebrations. But by the Middle Ages, from around the 5th to the 16th
Century, Christianity had outgrown paganism as a religion.
The celebration of Christmas in Europe changed in the early 17th Century
when Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans gained power in England in 1645. To remove
decadent behavior from the society, Cromwell cancelled Christmas as the Puritans
noted that the Bible doesn't mention any date for Jesus' birth. The lack of this
information and specific Biblical references to Christmas is also cited by
religious groups like Jehovah Witnesses as the reason they don't observe or
participate in Christmas. Christmas celebrations returned in England around 1649
when Charles II was restored to the throne.
Christmas wasn't a holiday in early America because the Pilgrims who came
to America had even stricter beliefs than Cromwell and the Puritans. Christmas
celebrations were even forbidden in Boston from 1659 to 1681. During the same
time however, settlers in Jamestown in Virginia were reported to have enjoyed
After the American Revolution Christmas again lost popularity and it wasn't
until June 26, 1870 that Christmas was declared a federal holiday. Christmas in
the United States gained popularity as a holiday period during the 19th Century.
Christmas celebrations also changed at that time to be more family-centered
rather than being carnival-like.


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Tips in fishing for salmons in Alaska

Alaska is known as one of the most bountiful areas with salmon, and is ideal for fishing trips.

This is because of extreme tides along the West Coast and the gush of ocean currents that create an environment ideal for the breeding of thousands of baitfish.

It is also known as one of the best places to go if one wants to fish for giant King Salmon, the largest specie of salmon fish.

The best way to catch these giant salmon (in saltwater) is through trolling or by angling a baited line drawn into the water.

Fishing for giant King Salmon can be a year round activity (especially in Seward).

The most sought-after species of salmon are the following:

1. The King Salmon (Chinook) are the largest of all these species. Its weight averages between 20-40 pounds, the heaviest recorded of which is 112 pounds, and can be as long as 3-4". It has a blue-green back that is lightly spotted.

The average life span of a Chinook Salmon is about five to seven years.

Its flesh can range in color from ivory white to a deep red.

Common names for this specie of salmon include tyee, springs, mouth/kings quinnat and tule.

2. Silver Salmon (Coho) on the other hand is slightly smaller with an average weight of 8-12 pounds.

These specie prefer small streams in which to spawn between the months of July to November.

3. Sockeye salmon, on the other hand, are the most sought-after of its entire species because its flesh has a color of deep red and it has a firm rich flavor.

In fishing for salmon in Alaska, one has to be well equipped with the right equipment (and donned with the appropriate apparel).

Listed below are some of the needed equipment/materials and tips for hassle-free fishing:

1. You must be clad in layers of warm clothes (not necessarily bulky ones as it can hinder in the fishing activity).

2. Over these everyday clothes, a waterproof overall, boots and bibs are likewise necessary to ensure that one would stay dry since after a hook-up, some fish may resist with maximum struggles.

3. Fleet or cruisers that offer services for fishing are usually stocked with bait.

4. A guide on board a cruiser ensures that even amateur fishermen will enjoy the activity by providing crash-lessons onboard. They usually hook the bait for the guest and inform the party as to where specific species of fish may thrive for selective fishing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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scientific studies before even considering subliminal learning. Little by little, these scientists have come to learn more about how we process and store knowledge, and are receiving heartening results from their studies on subliminal learning.
\par On a small scale, they are convinced that some skills can be learned through subliminal learning \endash especially those that are not \'93high-process\'94
data such as patterns, words, numbers, and other easy visual data. Other skills such as languages and mathematics are \'93high-process\'94
skills that require full attention and thought when performed. However, learning these skills is still beneficial when learned in conjunction with subliminal learning.
\par }}

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Choosing Bathroom Accessories and Towel Poles
How to choose towel stands
Towel stands clear up space, since you can toss you towels on the stand rather than in the floor or on a chair. Online you will find a nice selection of stands created by Drop, Onda, Premier, Freestanding, and so on. How do I choose stands?
It depends on your style of bath and taste. If you want modern styles check out the line of Drops.

Onda also has a nice collection of contemporary fittings and other bath accessories. If you have a regal taste, you may want to re view the Freestanding Spas, or the line of Premiers. If you want d閏or yet are on a budget, checkout the line of Freestanding Holders.

Just out of curiosity, I thought I would check out the line of spa stands. The stands are made of chrome and brass, such as Satin brass. In addition, you have a choice of oil rub bronze, brass, chrome, and satin nickel. Preferably, I like the brass in regal, modern, or Victorian environments. On the other hand, the brass will go well in nearly any bathroom. The oil rub is nice if you have a country bathroom or antique atmosphere.

How much do the stands cost?
It depends on your choice. If you choose the spas, you can find the items online in the price range between $67 and $82.

How do I choose modern stands?
Again, I am not into chrome, yet in the instance of Drops products I like the triple stands, which could go well with matching mirrors in the background. Add a little gold trimming to your layered mirrors and you will have a combination of modern and regal patterns. The item looks well with a vanity glass shelf in the background as well. Keep the gold at bay in this instance; rather offset it with minute trims of gold. Of course, your taste is different from mine, so check out the images for your self.

Chrome and Satin Nickel texture is not up my alley, yet Premier has created a nice line of dual spa stands. In a peach, tan, or antique environment I would sit the stands in a corner to offset the atmosphere. Throw a few light color towels on the stand, such as tan and you have a very nice antique pattern. Premier stands are a bit pricey, so if you are on budgeting, check out the line of Freestanding. You have a choice of Satins, Brass, Chrome, and so on.
How do I choose from the line of Onda?
Onda has a nice selection of stands, yet you may want to save a few bucks before considering the items. If you are not worried about price, you may enjoy the chrome triple polished stands, gold/chrome polish, brass and/or chrome polish. The styles go well in white and tan textures.

If you are searching for gorgeous vanity stands, you may consider the rings and stands made by freestanding collections. You have choice of one, two, or three arm stands, or else you can choose the dual ring stands. The oil rub bronze three-arm stand would look great in an antique bath, or a country setting.
On the other hand, the 3-arm Satin Nickel stands would look great in antique environments, or country settings, especially if you sprinkle a few white/yellow flowers at the base. Throw a white towel on and you are set. The stands however, I believe are designed for modern baths or master bathrooms. You may like the ring stands, but keep in mind it will take more effort on your part to place your towel. If you are in a hurry often, go for the arm stands.

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Search Engine Optimization And Why You Gotta Use It

E-commerce is a cut throat business. You have to arm yourself with the proper know-how and the tools to make your site a cut above the rest. Each day, more and more sites are clambering to optimize their rankings in websites and if you lose your guard, you may just get trampled on and be left in the abyss filled with so many failed e-commerce sites.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a term widely used today by many e-commerce sites. For the past few years and the next ten years or so, search engines would be the most widely used internet tool to find the sites that they need to go to or the product or information they need.

Most people that use search engines use only the ten top search results in the first page. Making it to the first page, more so to the top three is a barometer of a sites success in search engine optimization. You will get a higher ratio of probability in being clicked on when you rank high. The more traffic for your site, the more business you rake in.

But, it is essential to grab a hold of that spot or make your ranking even better. As I aforementioned, each day is a new day for all e-commerce sites to make them selves rank higher using search engine optimization. It is imperative to make your site better and better everyday.

So just what is search engine optimization and do you have to use it? The answer to why you have to use it is an easy one. You need search engine optimization to be number one, or maybe at least make your site income generating.

With search engine optimization you can get the benefit of generating a high traffic volume. Let�s just say you get only a turn out of successful sales with 10 to 20 percent of your traffic. If you get a hundred hits or more a day, you get a good turn out of sales already. If you get only twenty to ten hits a day, you only get one or two if not any at all.

So once again, what is search engine optimization? Search engine optimization is utilizing tools and methods in making your site top ranking in the results of search engines. Getting yourself in the first page and better yet in the top half of the page will ensure that your site will generate public awareness of your site�s existence and subsequently generate more traffic, traffic that could lead to potential income and business.

Search engine optimization requires a lot of work to be fully realized. There are many aspects you have to change in your site or add as well to get search engine optimization. These will include getting lots of information about the keyword phrases that are popular in regards to your sites niche or theme.

You may also need to rewrite your sites contents so that you could get the right keyword phrases in your site without making it too commercial but light and informative. There are certain rules and guidelines to be followed with making your site�s content applicable and conducive to search engine optimization.

You will also need to collaborate with many other sites so that you could get link exchanges and page transfers. The more inbound and outbound traffics generated by sites among others are one of the components search engines uses to rank sites.

Try to search the internet for many useful help. Tips, guidelines and methods for search engine optimization are plenty to be found. Read many articles that can help you optimize your site in search engine results. The more knowledge and information you gather the better. This will all help you in getting those high rankings. This may require a little time and effort in your part but the benefits will be astounding.

If you can part with some money, there are many sites in the internet that can help you in search engine optimization. There are many sites that help in tracking keyword phrases that can help your site. There are also some content writers that have lots of experience in making good keyword laden content for your sites that have good quality.

Act now and see the benefits garner with search engine optimization. All of these will result to better traffic and more business for your site and company.


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What I'm having at the following is, you very likely have an thought of what it truly is you intend to HAVE - with your hands - soon after the marriage. That can be a DVD with substantial resolution images, it can be two hundred 4X6 prints, or an album. Whichever it is always that you genuinely want, you'll want to make sure which the Tallahassee photographer can generate, not merely the product itself, but a Good quality product. Albums differ extremely in type and good quality. Prints developed at your neighborhood major box outlet shop usually are not the identical as prints developed at specialized photo printers. Make sure that you simply are secure with all the photographer's goods.

4. Professionalism

Let's say you create an appointment using a photographer to speak about her solutions and she is twelve minutes late, uttering issues like, "wow, site visitors was negative," or, "I had a tough time acquiring the spot." These statements may well maintain weight in normal events, but that is arranging to your Wedding party Morning. Envision that very same photographer creating the very same statements right after missing the starting of the wedding party. Which is unacceptable.

Suppose which the photographer is on time in your meeting, but is wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt proclaiming which the Dublin concert in 1984 actually was plenty of enjoyment. It is possible to even like Iron Maiden and nonetheless locate this dress a lesser amount of than specialist.

You must anticipate, and without a doubt deserve, a specialist photographer - a single who exhibits the habits and behaviors of any enterprise proprietor. The photographer will must know their practice within and out, and in case you ask a query about their enterprise and they appear flustered, then odds are extraordinary that you simply is going to be flustered whilst they're attempting to consider photos of you. Specialist carry out applies in any enterprise, and surely no a lesser amount of so in Tallahassee photography.

5. Gestalt

Psychologists may well cringe at my use with the phrase 'gestalt' the following, but what I'm acquiring at is this:

You might be hiring the full photographer. They is going to be at your wedding party morning and play a prominent part. You might have to just like the complete bundle.

So 1-4 over - rapport, model, merchandise, and professionalism - ought to appear collectively in the confluence of all of the other issues in regards to the photographer and yield a full bundle that you simply can help. That is crucial since, it can be surely achievable that a distinct Tallahassee photographer will satisfy your needs on components 1-4, but fail inside the gestalt overview. If it does not all appear collectively, walk away and retain seeking.

Once you are in a position to locate a photographer using a rapport that matches your basic demeanor, a model that calls in your artistic side, the goods that may satisfy you and your loved types, the specialist features needed for conducting an excellent enterprise, as well as the 'gestalt' nature demonstrating the complete bundle - you might be accomplished seeking! Retain the services of that photographer!

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Just to clarify, the PS3 blinking red light problem is when your Playstation 3 console will not start up, and the red standby light blinks on and off, but the console will not power up.

This problem is probably the most common fault that PS3 owners face, with many people thinking that this means the death of their PS3 console, at least until they can afford to send it off to Sony, or buy a new console all together.

Luckily for you, a cheap PS3 blinking red light fix may be just around the corner. Downloadable PS3 repair guides from the Internet have become hot property, with the level of consoles being sent back to Sony for repair at an all time low.

Before you make a decision about purchasing one of these repair guides though, here are some mistakes that you do not want to make:

1. Think that the PS3 is a tough console.

It may be chunky, but a PS3 repair guide will take you right into the internal component of a PS3. Extra care is especially needed when unscrewing/lifting off covers etc; knocking one component or bending/splitting one wire will more than likely damage your PS3 beyond repair.

2. Think that you do not need to follow the exact steps in the guide.

These guides have been created for people with no electrical/technological expertise, so if they seem simple beyond the point of belief, that is why. Every step in the guide has to be followed exactly, otherwise things will go wrong, and you will have wasted your money. If you purchase a guide and then don't follow the steps, you may as well have saved your money.

3. Send it to a local PS3 repair shop without first arranging a price.

Many PS3 repair shops are like car garages - they will give you an initial quote, and you will have a phone call everyday regarding new problems, with that initial quote price creeping higher and higher. Get them to indentify the problem when you bring your console to them, and set the maximum price that you will pay.

The tips above should hopefully have shown you what not to do, when looking for a PS3 blinking red light fix.

In my opinion, the quickest way to fix the PS3 blinking red light issue is to buy a PS3 repair manual off the Internet.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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Angel Island is a Diversion from the Ordinary

Whether you are a true nature lover or simply enjoy the thrill of an educational field trip, you will find both the wonders of nature and a deep sense of history while visiting Angel Island. In fact, I would suggest making Angel Island a must see destination while visiting San Francisco.

In the great city of San Francisco, which has so much to offer visitors, it's almost impossible to find that one thing that will be truly special and unique about your trip. Angel Island is just that thing. Wherever your interests lie, there is something that will attract the attention of people of all ages, economic situations, and other walks of life. If you can't find something that will interest you here, you really should rethink your interests.

For the nature lovers there is plenty of interest in way of plant life, bird life, and other animal life that should be of interests. There are even specialized tours available that will highlight and focus on the wide variety of life on this great island. Not only are there a great variety of land animals but a good representation of sea animals can be observed here as well. If you love nature, this is a great place to get a good dose of it while in the big city of San Francisco. Not only can you enjoy the sea animals on the ferry ride over (if you choose a ferry for your transportation) but you get to enjoy the plant and animal life on the island as well. Don't forget the air animals either though. There are many varieties of birds that are well represented here as well.

For those that prefer more active pursuits, there is plenty on Angel Island to keep you entertained and happy. First of all, there is plenty to offer by way of hikes. There are even guided hiking tours that offer the safety of numbers (very good for beginning hikers) and information about the island and its rich history. If hiking isn't really your thing, there are also bike rentals available on the island as well. With several trails to choose from with varying degrees of difficulty, even the beginner can enjoy a nice ride around the island.

My personal favorite physical activity here would be the kayak tours. For the right price you can book a guided kayak tour around the island. The tour includes equipment rental, your guide for the day, and a picnic lunch this would be for the all day tour, which will take you around the entire island. There is a 2 and a half hour tour if you aren't too sure about the whole kayaking thing or want to have time to enjoy other aspects of the island on your trip as well. The beauty of a trip to Angel Island is that there really is no right or wrong way to go about enjoying your day.

For sun lovers, there are several beaches where you can bring a blanket and lie down with a good book in order to catch some rays. I do not recommend swimming from Angel Island as the water isn't the cleanest nor is it the calmest. The tides are dangerous and can turn amazingly quickly. But if you love books and find that you could use a ray or two, let the kids and the rest of the family go biking, hiking, touring, and all that other good stuff while you catch up on the latest best seller at the beach.

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Mr. Manning regarded her thoughtfully for a moment and stroked his mustache. “A ballot-box, you know,” he said, “is very largely just a box.” He made quite a long pause, and went on, with a sigh: “You have a voting paper given you —”
They emerged into the publicity of the lawn.
“Yes,” said Ann Veronica, “yes,” to his explanation, and saw across the lawn Lady Palsworthy talking to her aunt, and both of them staring frankly across at her and Mr. Manning as they talked.
Chapter 3 The Morning of the Crisis
Part 1
Two days after came the day of the Crisis, the day of the Fadden Dance. It would have been a crisis anyhow, but it was complicated in Ann Veronica’s mind by the fact that a letter lay on the breakfast-table from Mr. Manning, and that her aunt focussed a brightly tactful disregard upon this throughout the meal. Ann Veronica had come down thinking of nothing in the world but her inflexible resolution to go to the dance in the teeth of all opposition. She did not know Mr. Manning’s handwriting, and opened his letter and read some lines before its import appeared. Then for a time she forgot the Fadden affair altogether. With a well-simulated unconcern and a heightened color she finished her breakfast.
She was not obliged to go to the Tredgold College, because as yet the College had not settled down for the session. She was supposed to be reading at home, and after breakfast she strolled into the vegetable garden, and having taken up a position upon the staging of a disused greenhouse that had the double advantage of being hidden from the windows of the house and secure from the sudden appearance of any one, she resumed the reading of Mr. Manning’s letter.
Mr. Manning’s handwriting had an air of being clear without being easily legible; it was large and rather roundish, with a lack of definition about the letters and a disposition to treat the large ones as liberal-minded people nowadays treat opinions, as all amounting to the same thing really — a years-smoothed boyish rather than an adult hand. And it filled seven sheets of notepaper, each written only on one side.
“MY DEAR MISS STANLEY,” it began,—“I hope you will forgive my bothering you with a letter, but I have been thinking very much over our conversation at Lady Palsworthy’s, and I feel there are things I want to say to you so much that I cannot wait until we meet again. It is the worst of talk under such social circumstances that it is always getting cut off so soon as it is beginning; and I went home that afternoon feeling I had said nothing — literally nothing — of the things I had meant to say to you and that were coursing through my head. They were things I had meant very much to talk to you about, so that I went home vexed and disappointed, and only relieved myself a little by writing a few verses. I wonder if you will mind very much when I tell you they were suggested by you. You must forgive the poet’s license I take. Here is one verse. The metrical irregularity is intentional, because I want, as it were, to put you apart: to change the lilt and the mood altogether when I speak of you.

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One of the most important parts of arranging wedding entertainment is to get the musical numbers and performance just right. In all probability, your guests have heard the conventional routine a lot through other similar events so if you want to hold their attention, you have to innovate. This is where special talents like the Rat Pack Boys come in because they can deliver a lot more in terms of performance as well as uniqueness in their shows. When you book their services for your parties, you would get a slice of entertainment that is appreciated by all and loved for its unpredictability. It could end up being the show stealer for the entire event.

If you are in charge of a professional organization, arranging for entertainment would become an even difficult proposition. There are certain set standards for corporate entertainment which you have to keep in mind before selecting the performances. Traditional musical evenings are usually preferred but you could always add a personal touch by making sure that the entire audience has a lot of fun during the event. This way, you could actually provide something that can be identified with your organization and it might even end up giving you the competitive edge in the future.

The gag of singing as waiters is one of the most popular acts of the boys Tommy and Jonny who are sure to mesmerize the audience with their perfect acting and single skills. Having a theatre background allows them to convince the guests completely, both in terms of appearance, presentation as well as back stories. Just when your guests are least expecting it, the boys would swap the cutlery for the music as they get onto the stage as Rat Pack wedding singers for the event. The look of amazement and appreciation on the faces of your guests would surely be a moment to remember.

You can arrange for something more conventional when you are planning out a night on a professional basis. The Rat Pack Boys also perform in terms of corporate entertainment, hosting gala musical events with their singing and witty skills. You could order a simple three piece band or the premium seven piece orchestra depending on the event. Most of the songs belong to the era of swing bands and can fill you up with the old world charm that is lacking in most performances. Overall, the entire performance is sure to make the venue come alive.

Both the boys are famous for the camaraderie that they share with each other along with the effortless ease with which they slip into their performances. They can actually make the audience interact during their shows, engaging them into the performance rather than keeping them as passive spectators. However, you should make your bookings well in advance because the boys have a packed diary full of shows all over the year. The prices are extremely reasonable and you can check out the glowing reviews given by various clients. The next time you want to push the barriers of wedding entertainment, the boys are just the talented duo fit for the job.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Baseball is one of the sports with the highest number of fans in America. Every American has a favorite baseball team and would like to cheer them up at every one of their matches. If you are one of the most ardent fans of your team you can now go see all of their performance live, without wasting time and staying in line for tickets.

A simple mouse click brings you closer to the 29 American baseball team and the only Canadian baseball team. You can see their performance in the National League and in the American one. All you have to do is to visit the ticket broker抯 websites and procure the tickets for their matches.

If you want to see the Chicago White Sox at work you just have to ask your ticket broker for tickets. Thus, you will see your idols and you will not waste your time in finding a ticket. Or maybe you would like to go in LA to see the performance of your favorite team: the Dodgers. Nothing simpler than that: book one seat in the Dodger Stadium from the ticket broker抯 website.

Ticket brokers also offer you tickets at training matches, no matter where they take place. So whether they have gone to Arizona or they are training in Florida, your ticket broker will get you the tickets you need. You can also find tickets for the off-season playoffs and for MLB without having to pass through the nightmare of standing in queues. All that trouble has been now transferred to the ticket brokers, who will do their best to keep you satisfied.


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Porsche 64

Many consider the Porsche 64 (also known as the VW Aerocoupe,
Type 64 and Type 64K10) as being the first automobile by
Porsche. It was built mainly from parts from the Model 64 VW
Beetle and there comes the model number. Its flat-four engine
produced 50 bhp and gave a top speed of 160 km/h.

Porsche Burro designed the body after wind tunnel tests made
for the Type 114, a V10 sports car that was never produced.
Dr. Porsche wanted to enter the car in the 1939 Berlin-Rome
race. The bodywork company Reutter built three cars in
shaped aluminium. Out of the three, one was crashed in the
early World War II by a Kraft durch Freude (Volkswagen)
bureaucrat. The two remaining were used by the Porsche
family. Later on, they put one of them in the storage and used
only one. In May 1945 American troops discovered the one
put in storage, cut the roof off and used it for joyriding for a few
weeks until the engine gave up and it was scrapped. Pinin
Farina restored the remaining Porsche 64 in 1947, as it was
owned and driven by Ferry Porsche. In 1949, the Austrian racer
Otto Matte bought it and won the Alpine Rally in 1950 in it.

(word count 210)


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Another important point to make is pride. As previously stated, many children appreciate watching anime movies and television shows, as well as reading anime books. For your youngster, this may results in a nice collection that they can show off to their buddies. This, alone, will increase the pride associated with creating an anime collection, regardless of what that collection comprises of.

Obviously, the decision to have your child turn out to be an anime collector is up to you and your youngster, yet it is still a hobby that should be examined. By and large speaking, when in comparison to other collecting hobbies, like stamp collecting and coin collecting, anime collecting is by and large a lot more popular with kids and teenagers. This is often due in component to the interests that numerous kids and teens have with this popular genre.

coach outlet online The third of the three principal books of 1841 was the Diaries of Two Young Wive

The third of the three principal books of 1841 was the Diaries of Two Young Wives, written, like the Country Doctor and the Village Cure, in a decidedly didactic tone. We have two girl friends, Renee de Maucombe and Louise de Chaulieu, reared in a convent school, who marry, each with an ideal of wedlock that differs. The former, a doctor in stays, as her school companion calls her, seeks in marriage a calm domestic happiness, the duties and joy of motherhood, and has a husband worthy but commonplace, to whom she gives herself at first without much positive attachment on her side. The latter makes of love a passion, and marries a Spanish exile, plain-looking but virile, whom she bends to her will. The two wives exchange their impressions during their early years of matrimony, and we see the happiness of the one develop while that of the other diminishes. The Spaniard dies and Louise de Chaulieu takes a second husband, a poor poet, whom she adores as much as her Spaniard had adored her. Carrying him off to Ville-d’Avray, she creates there a snug Paradise, where she fondles him as if he were a toy, until at length her feverish jealousy brings on her own illness and death.
The novel in its earlier phases was being worked at together with the Sister Marie des Anges, which was promised to Werdet but never completed, and seems to have had some connection with it. Possibly, in his primitive plan, the author intended to set in contrast the spouse and the nun: and certainly, in the original draft, there was only one bride.
In 1842, at the Odeon Theatre, was performed a dramatic piece from the novelist’s pen, which by some critics has been considered his best play. There are even critics who hold that Balzac was a born dramatist, as he was a born novelist, basing their opinion on his possession of qualities common to dramatist and novelist. His force of characterization, his handling of plot, his sense of passion were all sufficient to procure him success on the stage, which explains why pieces adapted from his novels by other playwrights invariably caught the public fancy. But, in order to develop character, plot, and passion in his fiction, he employed interminable detail and slow action; and his effects were obtained rather by constant pressure throughout than by sudden impact. The brevity and condensation required by the drama were foreign to his genius; he could not help trying to put too much into his stage pieces, and the unity of subject was compromised.
The School of Great Men,17 as he preferred to call his play at the Odeon, carries the spectator back to the Spain of Philippe II. Fontanares, a clever man of science but poor, and without influence, has discovered the means of navigating by steam. His valet Quinola, a genius in his way, resolves to aid his master, who, being in love, has all the greater claim on his pity; and he contrives to present the King with a petition in favour of Fontanares, and to obtain a ship for an experiment to be made. But now professional jealousies combine with love rivalries to thwart the inventor; and when, at last, the ship is made to move by its own machinery, the honour of the success is attributed to another. To avenge his wrongs, and the loss of his betrothed, who is given to his rival and dies, he blows up the steamer in presence of an assembled multitude, and quits his native land with a courtezan who has conceived a liking for him and will provide him with money to recommence his enterprise elsewhere.

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On every part of the tables not occupied by the vases of wine were laid gold and jewelled ornaments which dazzled the eye by their brilliancy; while, in extraordinary contrast to the magnificence thus profusely displayed, there appeared in one of the upper corners of the hall an old wooden stand covered by a coarse cloth, on which were placed one or two common earthenware bowls, containing what my be termed a ‘mash’ of boiled bran and salted horseflesh. Any repulsive odour which might have arisen from this strange compound was overpowered by the various perfumes sprinkled about the room, which, mingling with the hot breezes wafted through the windows from the street, produced an atmosphere as oppressive and debilitating, in spite of its artificial allurements to the sense of smell, as the air of a dungeon or the vapours of a marsh.
Remarkable as was the change in the present appearance of the banqueting-hall, it was but the feeble reflection of the alteration for the worse in the aspect of the host and his guests. Vetranio reclined at the head of the table, dressed in a scarlet mantle. An embroidered towel with purple tassels and fringes, connected with rings of gold, fell over his breast, and silver and ivory bracelets were clasped round his arms. But of the former man the habiliments were all that remained. His head was bent forward, as if with the weakness of age; his emaciated arms seemed barely able to support the weight of the ornaments which glittered on them; his eyes had contracted a wild, unsettled expression; and a deadly paleness overspread the once plump and jovial cheeks which so many mistresses had kissed in mercenary rapture in other days. Both in countenance and manner the elegant voluptuary of our former acquaintance at the Court of Ravenna was entirely and fatally changed. Of the other eight patricians who lay on the couches around their altered host — some wild and reckless, some gloomy and imbecile — all had suffered in the ordeal of the siege, the famine, and the pestilence, like him.
Such were the members of the assemblage, represented from the ceiling by nine of the burning lamps. The tenth and last lamp indicated the presence of one more guest who reclined a little apart from the rest.
This man was hump-backed; his gaunt, bony features were repulsively disproportioned to his puny frame, which looked doubly contemptible, enveloped as it was in an ample tawdry robe. Sprung from the lowest ranks of the populace, he had gradually forced himself into the favour of his superiors by his skill in coarse mimicry, and his readiness in ministering to the worst vices of all who would employ him. Having lost the greater part of his patrons during the siege, finding himself abandoned to starvation on all sides, he had now, as a last resource, obtained permission to participate in the Banquet of Famine, to enliven it by a final exhibition of his buffoonery, and to die with his masters, as he had lived with them — the slave, the parasite, and the imitator of the lowest of their vices and the worst of their crimes.

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Eating Healthy On The Run

Whether your traveling on the go or around the
home, you don't need to give up healthy eating
simply because you are on the run. The fact is,
healthy eating is even more important when your
trying to keep up with a busy schedule.

Having a good diet will help your body to handle
stress better. As you hustle about, a healthy meal
is probably the last thing you think about. The
following tips can help you eat when your on the go.

With tempting menus, large portions, and a festive
atmosphere, it's easy to skip healthy eating. It's
okay to splurge every now and then, although you'll
pack on a lot of weight if you make it a habit.
When you eat out at restaurants, always be smart
about it.

An airport can be a very stressful place, although
you shouldn't scrap your diet because of it. Eat
because you are hungry, not because of stress,
boredom, or to kill time.

In your car
Keep some healthy snacks in your car at all times,
so that when you get hungry - you have them.

At home
Evenings and mornings are busy times in most homes.
Making the time to eat can be hard, although you
shouldn't run out the door without eating breakfast
first. Cereal with milk, a banana, muffin, or even
a bagel is a great way to start the day.

Anytime you are on the go, always make sure that you
make the right food decisions. You can take healthy
food with you if you need to, so that you have it
when you need it. Eating healthy on the go is easy
to do, once you know how. Never sacrifice healthy
food for junk, as your body will regret it later.

(word count 297)


Thursday, October 11, 2012

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which is not known to have any of the usual power of foods, and use it on the double assumption that it delays metamorphosis of tissue, and that such delay is conservative of health, is to pass outside of the bounds of science into the land of remote possibilities, and confer the title of adjuster upon an agent whose agency is itself doubtful.

Having failed to identify alcohol as a nitrogenous or non-nitrogenous food, not having found it amenable to any of the evidences by which the food-force of aliments is generally measured, it will not do for us to talk of benefit by delay of regressive metamorphosis unless such process is accompanied with something evidential of the fact something scientifically descriptive of its mode of accomplishment in the case at hand, and unless it is shown to be practically desirable for alimentation.

There can be no doubt that alcohol does cause defects in the processes of elimination which are natural to the healthy body and which even in disease are often conservative of health.

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Vitamins And Asthma

More than 10 million American抯 throughout the United States suffer from asthma. Asthma is very common, with doctors considering it to be a new epidemic. Most Americans who suffer from asthma blame it on environmental pollution, along with the increasing exposure of toxic chemicals throughout the air. Deaths that result from asthma are on the rise, due to those who have it not recognizing the early warning signs.

The condition of asthma causes the airways in the lungs to swell, throw out thick mucus, and over time spasm. The swelling that takes place will make the airways smaller, making it difficult to breathe. The first attack from asthma that you experience may include congestion, pain, wheezing, a shortness of breath, dryness in the mouth, coughing, and a feeling as if you have a fever.

Contrary to what you may think, just about anything can result in asthma. The more common triggers of it include allergies, an upper respiratory infection, stress, over exertion in exercise, or even the lack of a proper diet. Out of all the triggers, allergies tends to be the most common.

In most cases, asthma attacks are the result of exposure to things such as smoke, pollen, gas odors, and even automotive exhaust. Foods can also trigger attacks as well, such as peanuts, corn, chocolate, and almost all dairy products. If you take any type of antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones, it may prompt asthma. Asthma is a serious and somewhat annoying condition, one that millions of us face on a daily basis.

There are several mineral, vitamin, and herbal supplements that you can take to treat asthma. Among all that you can take, vitamin B is among the most important. Vitamin B maintains a biochemical balance in the body and it can also reduce the severity of the attacks. If you take vitamin A and E together, they can work to protect your lungs against air pollution. You can also take large doses of vitamin C as well, as it is very effective in fighting asthma.

Gingko biloba is effective as well, as it will enhance your breathing and help with your bronchial reactions. Oder-less garlic is another great choice, as it contains an anti-inflammatory agent that will reduce your chances of an attack. Throughout the world of vitamins and supplements, there are many different things that you can take to fight back against asthma.

Anytime that you suspect you may have asthma, you shouldn抰 hesitate to go to your doctor and be tested for it as soon as possible. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you have it, and how severe it may be. In the meantime, you should avoid known triggers and be sure that you are eating a high protein diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. You should also eat a few meals throughout the day, instead of sticking with the three most common meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

As a whole, asthma can be very stressful. There are ways that you can fight back and help to eliminate asthma, which is always great news. If your doctor tells you that you indeed have asthma, you should ask him any questions that come to mind, as well as his advice on what you should and shouldn抰 do. Even though it may not seem like it at the time, asthma can be prevented, and it doesn抰 always have to stop you from doing things you love to do. Although it may slow you down - you can always stop it.

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Before you start you will need to find out the ins and outs of different paints. I will tell you about oil (solvent based) paint and latex (water based).

Shiny paint doesn抰 mean oil base paint; you can get shiny latex too. Generally, oil base paints go on trim, doors and windows, wood parts of the home and sometimes in the kitchen and bathrooms. If you are repainting, find out first what is on the surface. Latex won抰 adhere to shiny oil based surfaces. When I repaint shiny white trim in a home over with white shiny paint, I use oil base to cut my time down. This saves me from priming first which is a step that is unnecessary for this type of result. But don抰 forget a lot of new homes these days are painted with shiny latex. Homes that are over 20 to 25 years old, chances are the trim and shiny surfaces are oil based.

Some considerations you should be aware of before starting are clean-up and disposal. Cleaning up after painting needs solvents to wash the tools with. To get rid of left over paint materials and paints, check your local laws on disposal.

Now let抯 get down to it. To start, make sure your surface is properly prepared and sanded. Your brush should be a bristle. It should be about 2 1/2 inch and a sash type. Dip the bristle 1/3 into the paint and scrape off lightly the excess paint but be careful not to scrape it all off or you抣l have no paint to work with. Let抯 take a door frame. I generally start in an inside corner and fill it in by dabbing in the brush and pulling the brush to the opposite side. When the upper frame is totally covered in paint, I go back over the top of the frame in one even continuous stroke. Now I go down the side again applying the paint onto the frame until it抯 completely coated and again pull from the top down in one even stroke. Likewise, all surfaces of the frame should be done in the same fashion, including window frames.

Doors are a little different; I brush all the panels first. As you can see, there are a lot of corners to be brushed. Be careful to watch for drips; don抰 put too much on or you will be forever correcting runs. Once you are done brushing all your doors, you need to roll the door using a light pile roller (?inch or less). Work from one edge to the other, then back again until it looks nice and smooth and even.

Wall painting is best done in panels; one wall at a time. Brush all the edges and try not to leave any heavy marks. Roll down a w-pattern to distribute the paint on the wall, and then roll backwards. Roll carefully forward and try not to leave lines. Go top to bottom filling it in correctly.
